quarta-feira, junho 16



Cast: Marco Nanini, Matheus Nachtergaele, Andrea Beltão, Drica Moraes, Zezé Polessa, Tonico Pereira, Caio Blat, Maria Flor

Description: Comedy

Synopsis: Based on the work of Dias Gomes , The Beloved tells the story of Odorico Paraguaçu, the mayor whose main objective to get a deceased person to inaugurate this great work, the cemetery of the city of Sucupira. The day-to-day between support of the sisters Cajazeiras and the opposition of the newspaper in the city, peppered by the inclusion of unforgettable characters.


Cast: Daniel de Oliveira, Daniela Escobar, Fabrício Boliviera, Branca Messina, Lui Mendes, Jefferson Brasil

Description: Drama

Synopsis: Willian da Silva, one of the great articulators of what was to become the Red Command, will stop in Ilha Grande prison, where ordinary prisioners were placed side by side with political prisoners. In this universe of consecutives escapes, assaults and confrontatioms with the local police.


Cast: Renato Prieto, Othon Bastos, Ana Rosa, Paulo Goulart, Werner Schünemann

Description: Drama

Synopsis: When you open your eyes, André Luiz knows that is on longer alive. Around him, a dark plain. The doubts and the pain intensifying. The trajectory of this successful doctor from the spirutual world is the history of 'Our Home'. After sufering purgatorial these areas, he is took to the city that entitles the movie. Only, when you see your loved ones, André Luiz realize the great truth - life goes on for everyone.


Cast: Olivia Torres, Juliana Paiva, Daniel Passi, Victor Thire, Lucas Salles, Kayke Brito

Description: Comedy

Synopsis: Priscilla has 16 years and is a normal girl, more normal than I hoped. His mother travels for work for 20 days and the firts time she has the house all to herself. In this short time tha his life goes through major changes and several other 'firsts' happen. She learns that nothing is exactly as she expected.


Cast: Luke Cotrin, Rafaela Victor, Victo Froiman, Daniel Dantas, Paola Oliveira, Arnaldo Antunes Description: Adventure
Synopsis: On the last night of vacation, three friendas- Eugênio, always carry your umbrella inherited from his grandfather, Frida and Cebola - embark on a magical adventure to visit their new school. A Baron, who should remain in an old picture on the wall, comes to life and proves his reputation as a "terror of the students". Rooms and corridors have seen the scene of an action-packed trail that leads to travel unknown places and to meet with unusual characters and fun

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